#1 Instagram Swap Service

Service type: Instagram Swapping Service

  • 4L/C
    Fresh: $10
    Main: $15

  • Anything else (2’s/3’s/OG’s)
    Fresh: 10% of user value
    Main: 15% of user value

Description: This service allows you to transfer one username you own to another account of your choice. I have swapped many usernames in the past including a 2C, multiple 3’s and OG’s.

Payment methods:

  • Cashapp
  • PayPal fnf

TOS: I will not be responsible of what happens to the username after i swap it, e.g it gets banned etc. In the very low chance of a loss, I will offer a full refund of the username if the username is lost in the process. By contacting me, you automatically agree to my TOS.

Verify urself first … contact @VERIFICATION and follow the steps, ur service is probably insured i think u must deposit a specific amount with swapd before starting any deal , for insurance

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