100% GUARANTEED - Instagram Verification in 3-12 hrs For Brands , Companies and Entrepreneurs only 3-5 Press Needed- PREMIUM SERVICE

So how does he verify the account without press?

At first I disagreed with all of the actions taken against him because he didn’t offer a warranty and didn’t technically do anything wrong (that we know of). Everyone who purchased, including myself, knew the risks. But him ignoring a DM from me (and likely others) + not responding here is a bit … cowardly. So I support all actions taken against him for now, unless he of course apologies and or provides an explanation. A pro-rated refund would be appreciated. But again, even if he doesn’t provide any of the above, I personally knew the risks and can’t be mad. I just won’t ever do business with him again unless he provides a small pro-rated refund.

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Maybe meta verified or some bad rep or maybe his friend work at meta do this ■■■■,becouse if he do via real rep or via portal he can ask why the all account badge removed

Is it possible to apply through a portal without a press? It won’t work Right?

I’m pretty sure staff knows about this, the thing is some buyers were just in a rush to get verified and took on the risks so nothing SWAPD can do unfortunately.

Could’ve been by paying a corrupt rep that was caught & fired and now they’re debaging all the account he verified, or even maybe the rep enabled meta verified on these accounts.

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Not possible ;without press and yes maybe rep take money and now fb saw how these all acc verified so the took badge back

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We literally blocked @McEvans account for a week and gave him a rectal exam when he started his service. He was so mad he said he wouldn’t do business on SWAPD, but somehow he came around.

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This is the most likely scenario.


Or it could be meta verification subscription from backend, check the dates and see if it’s exactly 28 days ago


@SWAPD you guys did the right thing, this is all you can do. Everybody know this stuff is at your own risk.

To everybody that got debadged or has clients that got debadged, wish you the best. We all mess up sometimes and lose money, it’s part of the hustle.

You probably won’t see @McEvans again. This social media game is Free-For-All when it comes down to it.

I’d recommend re-sellers to not ghost their clients, your reputation is very important. People talk.


I also lost the badge, paid so much money i told swapd to hold the money now we all victims of this guy :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I dont bro my guy now is gone be bullied from peoples lossing the badge this is bullshit my guy just deleted all his posts and profile photos :neutral_face:

I’d say try to get them meta verified ASAP.


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Its gone take few days till he becomes eligibility, but moral of story is bad

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I strongly suggest buyers start asking for us to hold the funds for 2-3 months on any iffy/too-good-sounding tickets. We will gladly hold the funds for up to 90 days, as long as the seller agrees (prob won’t, though).


I reported mc evan and told u guys many times to hold the money he was selling like bananas, any way there is nothing that can be done now sp good luck to all of us

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I feel like you are attacking swapd for this. This is all your own fault dummy. No risk no reward. Swapd did their job by making sure the transaction went safely. You agreed to mcevans terms yourself.


Ahhh yes we should have listened to you. SORRY!
Just these same as you should have listened to our warnings.

Us holding the funds without the permission of both parties = legal problems, and the seller leaving SWAPD. Also, we were attacked by some of the users when we disabled McEvan’s account when we were investigating. LET HIM SELL!! WTF SWAPD, DON’T STOP BIZ!!!