100k Instagram dog account / USA 40% / 700$!

Country of followers (majority): United States (43%)
Amount of followers: 100k
Topic/Niche: Dog
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Hello everybody ! I am selling this account which is in the animal niche and more specifically dog niche.
The account is followed by Americans, which is a very advantageous thing.
An interesting engagement (5 - 15%) over the last month.

The account was inactive from June to July so there was a slight loss of followers. The account took over the posts in July and there can be very good growth over the next few weeks.

So obviously, this is a great opportunity for a dropshipping store or for promotion (story, post…).

If you have any question, PM me :+1:


Sene me the username please.

Sent :+1:

username please

Sent :+1:

Still available? Can you send the username?

Still available, check PM :+1:

Username pls:)

Check PM :+1:


Check messages :ok_hand:

Username please