105K Followers, 632k Likes |Turkish Girl | TIKTOK

Country of followers (majority): Pakistan

Amount of fans/followers: 105K followers

Topic/Niche: Music, Song

Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): 100% organic
Payment method: In Crypto or USDT

Description:I want to sell my TikTok account I don’t have to time work on it, I’m working on other project.

•Everything is changeable so you’ll have full control over the account.
•Can on 2-Factor Access
•The account has No violation & No warning
•The account is very safe (Full warranty)
•No third link
•Organic followers (not boosted)
•Has a lot of videos that reached Millions of viewers
•Account in Good Standing, Active account
•With TikTok Shop
•Can send & receive gifts ( Promotion if you buy diamonds first time )
•Live option
•Live studio
•Mobile gaming
•Ready to transfer

If you have any questions feel free to ask me. If you’re interested send me PM for URLs so you can check the page.

The auction has ended! :tada:

  • 1 users participated in this auction.
  • 1 bids placed.
  • @CEO is the winner, congratulations!
  • Final bid: 80 USD

We would like to thank you for participating! The winner will receive a checkout notification shortly and we will begin the transaction. Beep beep!

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