117K subscribers Fully Monetised +13.6 Millions views +139K watch hours | No violations No issues

Amount of subscribers: 116916
Country of subscribers (majority): Algeria
Topic/Niche: Football
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
This YouTube channel offers a compelling opportunity for content creators:

:busts_in_silhouette: Engaged Community: With 117K subscribers, this channel has cultivated a vibrant community of viewers who actively engage with its content.

:eyes: Impressive View Count: Videos on this channel have amassed over 13.6 million views, including 500K views in the last 48 hours alone, demonstrating consistent viewer interest and engagement.

:alarm_clock: Watch Time: Boasting 139K watch hours, the channel showcases a significant amount of time that viewers spend engaging with its content, indicating strong viewer retention.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Broad Reach: The content has reached a wide audience, accumulating 5.7 million impressions, reflecting its visibility and potential for further growth.

:moneybag: Monetization Ready: Fully monetized and equipped with all other features, this channel is primed to generate revenue from views and other monetization avenues.

:no_entry_sign: Clean Record: With no strikes or copyright issues, the channel maintains a clean and reputable presence, ensuring a seamless experience for both creators and viewers.

:star2: Authentic Subscribers: The channel boasts a 100% real and active subscriber base, underscoring genuine interest and support from its audience.

With its engaged community, impressive view count, and monetization readiness, this channel presents an enticing opportunity for content creators looking to reach a broad audience and monetize their content effectively.

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