12.9K Monetized Entertainment Channel

Amount of subscribers: 12.9K
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Entertainment
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): ALL ORGANIC GROWTH.


Selling my 12.9k youtube account. No strikes. Monetized (ready to make money). Also has a $30 CPM and a $10 RPM which is very high to make money. Channel started as game of thrones channel then switched it to stocks channel now experimenting with more “viral type” videos so channel is still active right now. Let me know if you all have any more questions.

link please

link please

channel link?


Link please

Hello can you pm me the link please and thank you.

Can you send me the link! I’m interested!

Sent a Private message. URL please


Hey There, I’m interested in this channel.

Could you please share the channel link and analytics?

Thank You,

Link please

Link please

Link plz


Link please

LINK pls!

Link please

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