SWAPD is a trusted middleman service dedicated to offering our users the safest way to buy, sell, or trade items and services of virtual nature. SWAPD opens doors for you to earn and rise to fame in the digital universe by connecting you with vast network of buyers, sellers, and opportunities.
If the seller isn’t selling this Instagram account with the original email, or he doesn’t have access to the original email, then we have no means to secure the account fully. Please keep in mind that there are no full-proof methods of securing accounts, but our current process eliminates most of the easy methods of recovery. However, we have no way of stopping users from reporting the account hacked. In rare cases (only happens in 4-5% of transactions), malicious sellers report the account stolen after a while, and Instagram reverts everything back. There is just no way to defend against this, so please make sure that you are aware of these risks.
Useful resources
How to check if the Instagram email is original:
Dangers of buying/selling Instagram accounts without the original email: