128k Best Instagram page for Sale

Country of followers (majority): US
Amount of followers: 128,000
Topic/Niche: Fitness
Does it include the OG (original) email?: yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): complete Organic

Rapidly growing ,
millions of views ,
thousands of likes and subscribers

, in women fitness niche,

you probably can sell anything to this niche.

Women in their 30s, the rarest and most lucrative age that just buys anything.

I get dms from ecommerce stores daily,
but i dont promote it as you and i both know -

most of them have bad products and i dont want to hurt my engagement.

And but with that said, this is the best page on this niche.the reason for selling is because , i am focussing in something else, and yes Got ZERO copyright or anything.

Perfectly clean page with loyal audience.

PM me