128k Facebook Page 35M Reach! High US Audience

Country of followers (majority): US 79%
Amount of followers: 128,000
Topic/Niche: US Nostalgia
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): All Organic

Description: Very large consistent engaging audience across posts and reels, currently did have Ads on Reels as well as performance program enabled but got restricted monetization as they are trying to say a video was “intellectual property” when it just wasn’t and own all the rights to posted reels on the page. So it is restricted in the meantime. If you have any questions or interest please pm!


I am very interested in your Facebook page with 116,000 followers. The high engagement and primarily US-based audience are particularly appealing.

However, I have some questions regarding the restrictions mentioned in your description. Could you please provide more details about the nature of the monetization restrictions and any potential impact on future earnings? Additionally, I would like to understand more about the steps you have taken to address the “intellectual property” claim and any progress made in resolving it.

Apart from that, it would be great if you can explain about your past revenue and the future potential.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

I’m very interested, please DM me the link so i can take a look. Thanks.


Please send me info, thanks.

Page url and the latest reach and engagement statics please.

There you are!

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