130k Twitch

Country of followers (majority): US
Amount of fans/followers: 130,900
Topic/Niche: Gaming
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic, and from a shoutout from famous creators.

This twitch is absolutely insane. It averages hundreds of viewers per stream with a loyal audience. Most viewers are from the US and UK and other english speaking countries. I got the channel from the original owner about a year and a half ago. I’ve streamed a few times and the audience is extremely friendly. The revenue is around $7000 from adds and donations and subs from the previous owner. It also made over 10,000$ in brand deals under the previous owner. With a channel this size and amount of viewers it can be easy to find a sponsor and make brand deals. Currently I’ve made around $200 from people still subbed and over $750 within the last 2 months march, april from a company i’m working with, even without streaming once showing that there is still traffic to the channel daily. I’m not in a rush to sell this and i’m open to offers. If you have any questions feel free to ask me, thanks.


GLWS! :zap:

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Thank you.


If you went live now how many people would watch?

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Viewers would most likely be in the hundreds depending on what you stream.

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