131k food instagram account needs (TLC)

Country of followers (majority): United states, Brazil, Indonesia, Iraq, India
Amount of followers: 131,293 followers
Topic/Niche: Food
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): S4S

Description: this account is food focused in the form of videos. Much of the content reaches the explore page of instagram quite often. However, like and comments aren’t at the rate they should be for such a following. This food account requires growth & attention as it already has good potential to be more.

handle please

Can you please send me the handle!


Interested! Can you please send the handle

price ?


Handle please

PM the handle, and countries showing %. Also, the average story views. Thanks!


Can you please send me the handle!

Send me the best price please


Under ticket


As an FYI to everyone, this account scored horribly when audited at checkout, receiving a D score.

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