Amount of subscribers: 132,000
Country of subscribers (majority): United States 51.3%
Topic/Niche: Animation Videos
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): All organic
Hello guys,
I am looking to sell my animation channel. I am a full-time dropshipper and don’t have time for this channel. It has no strikes or anything wrong with it, it is monetized, and the play button has not been claimed. The CPM’s are great for the channel because most viewers come from the top tier countries.
This niche is expensive to get into, so if you want to get into it, you better have some money ready to invest. Each video will cost you around $500 to make. Of course, it depends on the length and quality of the animation, but if you want to compete with the top channels, you got to spend some money. If the channel blows up for you, the profits will be tremendous since the CPM’s are so high. I have not uploaded on the channel for 4 months, so earnings are not high in the past few months.
Here is some screenshots: