140k followers fitness account

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 140 000
Topic/Niche: Fitness
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes

Description: Amazing fitness page making me arround 1000$ per month I just don’t have the time to run it anymore… Looking for a buyer who will take care of it!

interested, username please

Please specify what promotion methods were used to grow this account, thank you.

All organic growth from reaching the explore page, hashtags etc…

removed by staff

post proof of income.

Like paypal transactions? Or dm’s of clients that want some shoutouts?

Send handle and best offer please.:slightly_smiling_face:

Proof of income please, and handle

whats the handle, and proof of income?

Is there any income earned from the blog? If so how much?

what is the username