+$15,000/month YouTube Channel - 25,000 subs - American Audience

Amount of subscribers: 25,000
Country of subscribers (majority): America
Topic/Niche: Crime
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Only organic traffic


YOUNG (6-month-old) YouTube Automation Channel with VERY HIGH POTENTIAL. Doing $15,000/month. Easy steady $10K/month possible. All traffic organic. No strikes, no violations. Average RPM: $5-$8. I’m a YouTube coach and I will provide 1 month free coaching to new owner of the channel.

PRICE: $160,000


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Can I see the link and best price pls?

Hi, here is the handle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqHAqfS_BQoFNIq_ERheabw

What is your best offer?