155k+ Twitter Account for Sale

Amount of followers: 157k
Country of followers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Gaming
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):

Description: Very active twitter account which generates 100k+ impressions per post. Some posts have gone viral and reached over 26 million impressions. Have not posted in the past 3 weeks due to work commitments but is a page which is ready for a new buyer to take over and grow. ![Capture|579x279]

Capture Nov

Capture NOVV


Could you share handle and price?

Sent (:

handle + price?


what is the @?

Handle and price?

1500$ ?

Please share username.

Interested. Please share username via DM.

Username and last price

pmed all (:


Send price and handle.

Hey! Can you send the handle? Thanks!


What is the username?

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please pm handle

Username please?

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Pls share handle