Country of followers (majority): Mexico
Amount of followers: 187,000
Topic/Niche: Motivation
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Full organic
Description: I’m selling my IG page, which consists of selling a pre-recorded online course through a faceless Instagram page with over 180,000 followers.
• The business is very easy to manage since the pre-recorded course is already created, and clients are acquired through the organic content I create on Instagram (1 reel daily + stories)
• The course is hosted on Thinkific. When the client makes the payment, their account is automatically created in the course.
• I have never invested in paid ads.
• It’s highly scalable. Clients could also be acquired by posting the same content on TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter.
• The account is in Spanish. There is much less competition, and the content is very simple to create.
• Niche: motivation + entrepreneurship