2.6m Money machine facebook page, adbreaks ON

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of fans/followers: 2.6m
Topic/Niche: dogs
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): organic

Description: 2.6m followers fb page with adbreaks On, (page monetization is red but its effecting subscriptions only, page has earned $1.7k this week from 1 minute videos. page has 1 word name & username + comes with Ig 100k followers also with same name and username. Videos get viral very often on the page. Monetization is eligible to appeal to get it fully green, i just dont care to do it since i can use adbreaks already.

Send me the link pls


Please pm me the details and is the adbreak on?

sent, yes adbreaks is ON

Info please

send link and c/o

Sent to all

Link please


Sorry but this doesn’t make any sense… No page with restricted monetisation in policy issues & Limited Originality strike can generate revenue from Ad breaks. Policy issues must be green in order to generate revenue of any type.

Also, your “request another review” button is not clickable which means your statement about “Monetisation is eligible to appeal to get it fully green” cannot be true. Monetisation review for partners is now only possible in this button instead of the form like it was before - Facebook (click partner (former MES) to see

Brother please do research before you speak, the page has unoriginal content flag which is effecting page subscription supporter, and it can be appealed, to do so you have to click “learn more” on this photo

If you are interested on the page i can show you more proof in private :blush:

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Proof that page can appeal to be full green!

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Is the content you are posting 100% original? If not… the learn more will just confirm your Limited Originality strike, unless it already has done.

I have worked on Facebook monetisation for 7 years since the first Beta “Suggested Monetisation” program before mid roll and I am currently working across 4 monetised pages… I know what I am talking about, there is no way a page with Red policies issues and limited originality can generate revenue on Ad Breaks, and no way it’s worth 80k. If you are so confident to ask for 80k… why not get the page to green before selling? Because you know it is not possible. And you now know the value in your page has dropped because to be a part of ad breaks you now have to ensure all of your content is 100% original.
If this page was green with no Limited Originality I would have bought it.


Look, i run the page from an uneligible country for years but had another USA admin and i was doing fine, 1 year ago i lost adbreaks because reusing videos, a few months later the uneligible country restriction appeared too, and i gave up. Now a few weeks ago i came up with the idea of using VPN i properly edited a few videos and posted only using VPN, and i got adbreaks back ( without appealing), if i keep editing videos it will soon be green. but my concern is uneligible country, i dont know how long the VPN thing may last, because as far as i know there are not many VPN’s that can fool facebook. I hope this explains why i want to sell. i would never sell if i was in an eligible country. This page has made 80k$ with only a few videos!

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It isn’t required to be green. Adbreaks can be ON, and the seller can prove this if he goes to the other tab ‘Monetization tools’ and there, it can be seen whether adbreaks is ON for the page.


Still available? If so, link pls

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