★ 2.7M Instagram Account with OGE

Country of followers (majority): India
Amount of followers: +2,700,000
Topic/Niche: Girls
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): N/A


• This big account used to be really active and the previous owner had a team creating and posting content massively. When the owner changed, they stopped posting about girls and switched to a business, but followers are still there.
• You can turn this massive account into either a business account or a personal account and have a big presence on social media faster.
• TIP: I’ve seen Instagram usually gives priority and higher success rate to big following accounts when it comes to verification requests through their public in-app option. Of course you’ll also need press, as always.
• Includes OG email.


I’ve got a milly page for sale super active


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