2.8m Tiktok account | Fastest growing account ever offered on Swapd - 1.2m in last 7 days! | Entertainment/Meme Niche | Currently growing 100k per day!

This is most likely the fastest growing TikTok ever offered on Swapd!:fire:

Account now has 2,456,000 followers and is gaining around 100k+ per day.

The account has gained 1.9m in less than two weeks, and 1.2m in the last 7 days alone!

The account is 35 days old. Audience is global, currently still a personal profile.

If interest, shoot me a DM.

TikTok Insights:


Amount of fans/followers: 2.5m
Topic/Niche: Entertainment/Meme
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): All Organic

What’s the username please?

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The auction has ended. The reserve wasn’t met, no winner.