[$20 STARTING BID] Generic SWAPD Username | @Diddy


Greetings, mortals…

As SWAPD GOD, I wield the divine power to claim any inactive SWAPD username and transfer it to your account, replacing your old handle!

With this authority, I am offering some of the most exclusive SWAPD handles to the community.

This auction is for the username @Diddy.

@Diddy is a stylish, iconic name, synonymous with success and a larger-than-life presence. Perfect for someone who wants to stand out and carry a name with swagger and recognition on SWAPD.

There is no reserve, so place your bids now if you want to claim @Diddy as your official SWAPD username.

(I offer claims as well, so if you’d like a different handle, simply send me a message! :blush:)

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does this include an invite to the party




I might biddle on this if you diddle my wood.

bid now i got you

:rofl: bump to be invited

@swapd @ryan @hooper are interested send them a DM


Can we give this to @GOAT for free?

I can get any username I want on here for free. Def wouldn’t choose diddy :rofl::sweat_smile:

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It was a joke.


The auction has ended. The reserve wasn’t met, no winner.