2023 SWAPD policy changes - Mega list

5 dolloar fee.

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This already exists noob

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I want promotion after reading 3rd rule :no_mouth::no_mouth:

“The entire mentorship must be conducted on-site, inside the checkout ticket.”

@SWAPD my expectations will hurt me ? :cry:

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Add when you search category filter for PRICE RANGE
It takes time to go through all of listing just to see prices

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Congrats to @Petrecocos for grabbing the first-ever mentoring sale on SWAMP!


Thank you!

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Obviously when you price it right to get the vibes going it’s gonna rain!

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We have updated our Terms of Service and privacy policy pages. If you disagree with the changes, please request account termination.

Mainly, we’ve removed all traces and clauses for PayPal.

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We have updated our SWAPD Rewards program.

SWAPD Rewards now pays 20-30%! WE’VE GONE CRAZY!
Thank you, @killua for the idea.