208k Lat. America Active Parenting Niche

Country of followers (majority): 208k
Amount of followers: 215k
Topic/Niche: Parenting
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): I think it is organic, I bought this page a month ago

Description: I bought this page month ago, and I planned to back on FB but after a few days of thinking I decide to stay with affiliate marketing and YouTube. So I want to sell this page. The page is active, a lot of young moms, perfect for eCom or articles about parenting.
EDIT: The page is RED, the previous owner has had some issue.

100$ i take. bitcoin

Thanks for this “offer” but I m not interested.
The page is now Green!

Link please

link ? I will buy instantly

Last offer and any violation on the page?

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