224K+ Subscriber Viral Animal & Compilation Shorts Channel | 150M+ Views | For Sale: $1,500 | Verified Seller

Amount of subscribers: 224k
Country of subscribers (majority): international (india-United States)
Topic/Niche: Pet & Animals
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic


Have you ever wanted to own a successful YouTube channel in the Animals & Compilation niche? This channel has over 224,000 subscribers and more than 150 million total views with viral video reaching 53 milion views. It’s a fantastic opportunity to take over a well-established platform that’s still growing.

You can further boost USA audience by using posts and interacting with the pubblic in the comments, especially in English, to connect with viewers and build a community around your content.

Channel Highlights:

  • Subscribers: 224K+ and growing daily
  • Total Views: Over 150 million
  • Niche: Animals & Compilation
  • Viral Success: Several videos have surpassed 53 million views, showcasing the channel’s potential to capture the audience’s attention.

Why This Channel?

  • Global Audience & Engagement: This channel has consistently captured a wide-ranging audience passionate about animal content, ensuring high engagement and loyal viewers.

  • Growth Potential: The subscriber count is rising steadily, indicating strong organic growth and interest.

  • Monetization Potential: Although the channel is currently not monetized, it has excellent potential for monetization. With some adjustments and compliance with YouTube’s guidelines, you can reactivate monetization and start generating revenue.

Why Am I Selling?

I am passionate about creating viral content and currently manage multiple channels. Due to time constraints, I am unable to make the necessary changes to re-enable monetization on this channel. I’m looking for a dedicated buyer who can take this successful channel to new heights.

Additional Support:

I will provide assistance during the transition to ensure a smooth handover… Additionally, I am available to be hired as an editor to continue publishing videos on the channel for a variable fee based on your specific needs and requests.

Channel link plz