250K+ Followers Facebook Food Page Highly Engaged

Country of followers (majority):Mexico/Argentina/Colombia/Usa
Amount of followers: 265k
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Fully organic

Page Creation Date: February 26

This Facebook page is a powerhouse of engagement and virality. Here are the key highlights:

  • Proven Viral Success: Numerous posts have achieved impressive virality, with over 40,000 shares on some and 20,000 shares on others.
  • Massive Reach: At its peak, the page reached 30 million people.
  • High Engagement: Posts regularly achieve over 1,000 shares within a single day.
  • Large Following: The page boasts 30,000 likes and over 250,000 followers.
  • Active Community: The page’s content consistently goes viral, ensuring a highly engaged audience.

This is an incredible opportunity for anyone looking to leverage an established and active Facebook community.


Interested. More info please. Page name.

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