25K Music Channel (Future Bass / House / EDM)

Amount of subscribers: 25,900
Country of subscribers (majority): Mexico / US / Brazil
Topic/Niche: Music / Future Bass / EDM
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: Selling a 25,900 music promotions page. Total views = 15,000,000. Get’s 1000 - 2000 daily views, mainly from one video the has 12,000,000 views. The page was last active in 2017. It is currently not active. New uploads of original songs (smaller artists) get between 50 - 150 views. It is In contact with a couple of labels via email. The page cannot be monetized. Any questions, feel free to message. 0 Copyright Strikes (however, a lot of the songs are copyright claimed by their label)


can you send me the page?

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