25k Quotes page 57.4% female

Country of followers (majority): India
Amount of followers: 25k
Topic/Niche: Quotes
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: Haven’t posted for a long time. Majority female audience from India followed by the US and the UK. HMU as I’m looking for a quick sell.

Payment: Crypto / Payoneer

Also, check out my other listings

10k US Quotes Account

18.4k US Quotes Account

95k US Meme account with OGe

123k Viral Niche Account

Why every acc on this site must have tons of Indian followers Jesus you guys can’t grow accounts legit way?

1 Like

Do you hate India?

handle pls

@okfears please check DM

thank you, not interested at this time, sorry

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