26K US based Truck page for sale

Country of followers (majority): US
Amount of followers: 26,300
Topic/Niche: Car/Truck
Does it include the OG (original) email?: No
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: This page hasn’t had a new post for a long time until i just started posting on it just 4days ago and the engagement is still pretty awesome. The page can be transformed to other niches and can still do nicely! Majority of it’s followers are from the US followed by UK! The OG email was changed due to it being a domain email! New email will be given and acct is 100% safe! Only BTC payments are allowed!

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send insta name please, dm me im intrested

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Can you send me the @

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Can you send me the @

Sent sir

Still up for sale!!


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Im interested! Username please!

Hey! What is the username and highest offer please?

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Highest offer is 220$ btc! Looking for 250$ last price!!!

Handle ?
