278k subs, 414k subs, 3.2m subs music channels for sale (not monetised)

Amount of subscribers: 278k, 414k, 3.2M
Country of subscribers (majority): US, Germany, Poland, Romania, Brazil
Topic/Niche: Bass Music
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
100% organic growth
Description: I have 3 music channels for sale. One is 278k subs, one is 414k subs, and one is 3.2M subs. These were built years ago through organic promotion. They’re demonetised and quite inactive, but the audiences are completely real. Mostly young males, global audience (because it’s built using electronic music). I’ve used them myself for a while, but we’re focussing our efforts on different things now so they’ve been inactive for a while now. Looking to see what people would pay for them, I can share the links with you - please only reach out if you’re serious & looking for channels with an audience mostly music based.

What’s the cheapest one there and what the price

Please give me a price

Price Bro

Still avail? If so pls PM pricing.