3,1M CIS Facebook Page (Entertainment)

Country of followers (majority):CIS countries
Amount of followers: 3,1M
Topic/Niche: Entertainment/Fun videos/Fun Pics
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic only

An excellent page with an audience of CIS countries. Previously, it was monetized using instant articles, bringing in about 4-6 thousand dollars a month, but unfortunately the page was disabled from instant articles due to copyright problems. At the moment, the overall coverage is not large, since the posts were mainly links to our website, which was monetized with teaser advertising. We are starting to post videos and funny pictures again to increase our reach and the influx of new subscribers.

Funny neutral videos and pictures have excellent coverage. On average, reels get from 100k views to several million. Same thing with video.

The page has limited monetization, but once you start posting original content you can easily file an appeal.

At the moment, Reels monetization is available for the page, but we cannot enable it, since the owner of the page is in Russia. If the new owner is located in a country that meets the rules for reels monetization, you will be able to receive income.

The page has a good RPM; on instant articles, the RPM was around 3-4 dollars per 1000 impressions.

As a bonus, the buyer will receive several more pages with a total audience of several hundred thousand followers.

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