30k IG Engineering & Technology

Country of followers (majority): India
Amount of followers: 30000
Topic/Niche: Engineering & Technology
Does it include the OG (original) email?: yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): follow unfollow and after 1k organic growth

Description: it is having amazing engagement + it’s name make it’s amazing.
I don’t have to time post regularly it grows 400 follower per day
Hurry up :exclamation: don’t miss it

The demographics of this account are not “India & USA.” They are India, very clear cut - I’ve edited your post for you. Please don’t try to false advertise, thank you.

Also, please specify what promotion methods were used to grow this account.

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Instagram Handle please
and I’m ready to buy if the audience is indian,


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