31.3K IG Before/After - High engagement - OG included

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of fans/followers: 31.3K
Topic/Niche: Before/After Renovation
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Follow/Unfollow (1k) , Organic

Description: Growing organically 200-300 followers per day from 2-3 posts. Averages between 1k-50k likes per photo and 50k-500k views per video.

This account is set to hit 100k followers in the next few months, all offers are welcome!
Story Views → 4k +
Every post hits explore page !

username and BIN please

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Bump! 31.6K

Bump! 31.9K

Bump! 32.4k

Bump! 33.1k

Bump! 34k

Bump! 34.6k