345k Follower and 349k subscribers - with 3 videos in total over 74mio views

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 345000
Topic/Niche: Sport/Fitness
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):

Hey guys, I have a fanpage about only one sport and was really successful with it. I have with only 3 videos in total over 74 mio views. The video went viral and I was asked for a show group by americas got talent, a Japanese tv show informed about my page and I commented the European championships - this are the biggest things which I reached. Of course I get offers to share fb pages and so on. The most followers are from the US, UK, Mexico, Brazil and then all around from Europe.
I didn’t buy a follower till now. I post per day 10-13 posts, so the reach isn’t the highest. I can get in one hour over 100comments, if you want to see that I can send you screenshots. The page is active when I ask for it. My goal was to share the beauty of the sport, this is the reason why I post so much per day. I never had the goal to be the biggest fanpage for this sport, it’s only a niche sport. The next best page for this sport has 152k follower.

If you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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