35.1K subs, monetized, original mail, adsense + partnership, organic promotion, 1 strike, 1.2m views

Amount of subscribers: 35100 subs
Country of subscribers (majority): Russia, Ukraine, Usa
Topic/Niche: Videogames
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: Channel was created in 2016, has many views, is still very active and has big community, has adsense, channel was not bought, it was made by me, Pm me for more info, I accept Visa, and paypal, also it has 1 strike but i appealed it.

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Why uploading is disabled?

It has 1 strike, as I said.

Why did the channel get a community guideline strike? That’s much different than a copyright strike.

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Is it monetized if yes then send me details in pm Thank you.

Because once i deleted all the videos on my channel, after I asked youtube to return all of them, youtube added them but when I enabled all of them, there seems to be some videos with the link to the website where to participate in my giveway you have to subscribe to my youtube channel, youtube doesnt support these kind of giveways i guess.

What do you mean?

Got it. I’m interested in checking out the channel.

What do you want to see? Pm me and I will screenshoot everything you need.

Just telling you guys, I may can delete the strike, asking the youtube support, they thinking about it.


Link please

Sent pm

PM link please.

Sent you in pm

Link Please. Thanks

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