3x Crypto Twitter accounts - 2m+ followers - Money generating accounts

Amount of followers: 2.2m, 600k, 430k
Topic/Niche: Crypto
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic & shoutouts across accounts

The accounts are currently getting customers that are paying for promotions.
Highest followed account: Makes about $20k a month, price tag is $80k.
Second account: Makes about $15k a month, price tag is $60k.
Third account: Makes about $7k a month, price tag is $25k.

Reason for selling: No time to manage it. You can keep running the current business of selling shoutouts to others or you can convert it to your own brand.
Prices are non-negotiable.

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While they definetely do generate revenue, their audiences couldn’t care less about crypto, they only follow for giveaways. GLWS though.


Seems like a great expandable business to me then :wink:

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Possibly true, just saying the audience is quite LQ compared to actual crypto accounts. Interesting offer nonetheless.


Can you pm me the names pls


no offense, but a network like this can be built in less than 2-3 months with a budget of ~$10k once you pass a certain stage it becomes auto growing, glws but i think it’s severely overvalued


Pm me names please.

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send me the handles

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Still available?

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