4.3k USA likes gray verified page (28k Checkins, created in 2010)

Country of followers (majority): United States
Amount of followers: 4328
Topic/Niche:Water Park
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: I don’t have the screenshot of insights because it hasn’t been updated as the page was unused for a long time. It will be updated in 2 days. The page is still active. Come and own it.

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Can you send me details please

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Sent. Anyone else

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Can you send link of page?thanks!

Still available but now at 4356 likes on its own

Insights UPDATED

taking this up

im very interested in it, may you send me the link. thanks.

1 Like

Sent. Please check

What do you mean by gray verified?

That means the page has a verification badge that is in gray and it also means the business(i.e the page) is authentic.

can u pm the page link?

Pm me the page link?

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This page has already been sold.Please check my other posts for more gray verified pages. Two left.

SOLD! Thank you for using SWAPD!