4 subreddits in sales and lead genretion nish with 200+k page veiw//month

Amount of readers: 25k 16k 14k 7.5k
Topic/Niche: sales and lead generating

want to sell a reddit account with 3.5k karma and it is a moderator of 4 subreddits in sales and business nish they are in total have 61k subscriber they all still growing , 1- with 14k subscribers have low engament but still alive and growing , 2 - with 25k subsribers have good engament and growing 3 - with 7.4k subscribers also have good engament and growing good, 4- with 16k subscriber have high engament very good growing fast rate have 120+k impression per month so far, also the account have connection with moderator of r/sales he is helpming me moderat the sub with 16k so the owner of the account can benifit from this if he want a collaboration or somthing,

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Iā€™m interested

Interested. DM me links and price