Country of followers (majority): 69% US Audience
Amount of followers: 42.3k
Topic/Niche: Blackmen fitness niche
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic 100%, page grows organically, has gotten 1200 followers in few weeks
The page gains 80 followers daily
Pages reachs 1000+% non followers organically, cool for business.
I made $2300 selling shout out on these account.
Description: Hey guys, I want to move into tech so I am selling these accounts, it’s makes me $800 on shout out every month
If you are into fitness, modelling or men supplements, these page is a gold mine for you
All followers are Organic
No violations
No warning strikes
Account in Excellent condition
Account is very active
Original Email
Payment method: Bank wire or Usdt
Send me a DM here, if you are serious and have the money to pay now for the account.