43K Quotes Instagram Account

Country of followers (majority): 95% Romania, other are Germany, Italy, Spain, England
Amount of followers: 42,8K
Topic/Niche: Romanian Quotes & Sayings
Does it include the OG (original) email?: No
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): All + Paid promotion from bigger accounts

Description: This page is 100% real followers, from 2 - 8k like per post, 1,7 - 15k view per story, 50 - 800 comment per post. Very active account, daily post, good engagement, you can make good money from ads/promo. 200 new followers per day. I don’t have time to grow this account anymore.

Hi, please let me know pricing of this account, how often promotion/shoutouts are recieved and utilized and the demographic info.

Thank you,

Price and handle please

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