Amount of subscribers: 33.000
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Viral TikToks
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic
I am selling this viral YouTube shorts channel which just recently reached a new high in views and is currently getting about 1.25 million views every 48 hours.
It has gotten 33.6 million views over it’s lifetime of which 17.7 million were gained in the past 28 days. It also gained 15.5k subscribers over the past 28 days so as you can see it is still growing at a fast pace.
The channel can be used to promote monetized channels or other channels of yours. You can also sell promotions or rebrand the channel entirely and get it monetized with new content.
It has no copyright strikes.
Here are the stats: