457K Followers Facebook Quate Page | Top Audience from US | Highly Active

Country of followers (majority): United States
Amount of followers: 457k+
Topic/Niche: Quate
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Hello SWAPD Community :two_hearts:

I’m looking to sale my 457k+ followers facebook quate page, Page’s last 90 day reach is 2 billion plus :bar_chart:
Most of the impression came from teir country

I am mentioning all the screenshots below

if you have any offer, then let me know :phone:


1 Like

Thanks L Bappy


link and price please?

do this page have performance bonus enabled?


so how this page earn money from post?

by the way do you have good active bonus page for sell?

if you have give me URL and price


do you have good active bonus page for sell?

if you have give me URL and price


(post deleted by author)