5.1M Follower Tiktok Account - Content Creator with real following

Country of followers (majority): Latin America
Amount of fans/followers: 5,079,050
Topic/Niche: Skits/comedy
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: I’m the talent rep of a tiktok/youtube content creator group that is selling their personal accounts to focus on their main youtube channel (Mofu - YouTube). This account I’m selling belongs to the 2nd most followed of the group. These are real followers and real reach, they’ve been popping off in LatAm for the past year or so.

Best offer we’ve gotten so far is $6k but will hold off as we think this is too low. Crypto is preferred for ease of transfer internationally.

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This is a steal

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