5.6k subs monetized, original email, no strikes, not botted, organic, bought from original owner

Amount of subscribers: 5600
Country of subscribers (majority): Kazakhstan
Topic/Niche: Vines
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: AdSense monetization channel, no strikes, no violations, not botted, not scam, original email, good statistics, the channel has a lively and active audience. The channel was purchased directly from the owner, so there is no risk of the owner recovering the channel. The channel was created in 2017, monetization was enabled on January 18. More information on screenshots. PM me for additional information. Payment methods - Any crypto (bitcoin, ethereum in priority) and PayPal.



Hey, still for sale? If yes, can you give me a link?

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