5 verified badged accounts with a total of 1 million 341,500 followers




I can give a discount to anyone who wants to buy all accounts

no one will pay 50k lmao

Max $12k for all lmk

I respect your offer. But $12k for 5 verified accounts with badges is a ridiculous amount.

If you really want to buy, send a private message and let’s talk price.


please send all handles w price!

sent pm

it’s not ridiculous lol, it’s 2.4k per account which is a normal price
no one cares about turkish followers, u would need to get very lucky to find someone who needs such account that would pay premium for it

I’m a lucky man and in no rush to sell. I can sell to a buyer who offers the money I want or close to the money I want. Thank you for your offer

5th account has been sold. 4 accounts left.

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