500k Subs | $13k/month | HIGH RPM, DOMINATING NICHE

Would like to know the details, interested.

Please share the handle.

Thank you

Hello there, please return to me on inbox for the handle.
Thank you.

Handle pls, also just confirming that your team has a cost of $120/video

What price are we looking at here

Channel link please

PM with link please

hi send channel link

Pm pls - and maybe some infos about the graphic artist etc. (cost per video/month etc.)

Incredible statistics/rpm, insane growth potential.

Still, the ask-price is a bit too high from my opinion.

I wish you the best luck with sales!


Some stats are nice some are so/so, for example the amount of views itā€™s gettingā€¦ Some of your videos might get lucky and go viral here and there but I donā€™t see how itā€™s worth $500k tho


Hello there,

Has anyone received the channel link?
I think the OP is out for the moment.

If itā€™s possible, please share. Our team too is interested.

Thank you.


link? Open to selling equity instead of whole channel?

1 Like

Still waiting here as well

pm link

Please PM link, thanks

Link and more details, cause the price willing you make personal deal ?

Please send link.

Hello, could you send link and we could discuss more details? Thanks