Amount of subscribers: 506,000+
Country of subscribers (majority): UNITED STATES
Topic/Niche: Science
PRICE: $520,000
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): 100% Organic Growth
Description : This channel has made over $500,000 since it began a few years ago. This channel is easily on its way to have $30-$60k months. I’m selling it because I need capital for an upcoming real estate investment. Audience is US and is consistently gaining around 8k-10k subs a month. A script writer, voice actor, video editor, and graphics artist will be included. This is an excellent team that can take care of any video idea you will have. There’s a reason why this channel is taking off. Quality is never compromised.
There are no copyright or community guideline strikes. This channel has always been in good standing.It is currently dominating its current niche. The fact that it gains around 8k-10k subscribers a month shows immense potential for compound growth. As long a you feed the script writer good space topics, the growth will go viral itself. If you keep posting, this channel will reach incredible heights. If you understand the potential of a science channel and know how to grow channels, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be making $30k-$60k a month by the middle of 2021.