500M+ Views | 1.2 Million+ Subscribers Dog Compilations YouTube Channel | Long-form videos

Amount of subscribers: 1,250,000
Country of subscribers (majority): International
Topic/Niche: Dogs and some other animals
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic


  • Videos on the account are compilations of dog videos. Videos are 5 minutes to 1 hour long. No YouTube shorts.
  • Over 520M Lifetime views
  • Top video has 24M views!
  • Community tab with many viral posts
  • 1 strike to expire in a month
  • We can include 24 complimentary custom-made videos that haven’t been posted yet

It would be a good idea to start posting shorts on this channel! Could go super viral :eyes:

Reply CHANNEL LINK and I’ll PM you the link.

Available this month: ✧ PREMIUM YouTube Channel Store | VIP Seller

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Handle please

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LInk please

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link please

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Link please
