50k Followers Premium Health/Fitness Niche Very Active Twitter Account For Sale | Perfect For Monetization | OGE |

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 50k and growing
Topic/Niche: Health/Fitness
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): 100% Organic

Description: Hello there, selling another account out of my Twitter portfolio, this one is based in Health/Fitness niche which is a very lucrative niche itself!

It has around 50k followers and the account is growing constantly just with regular posts. The majority of followers are from Tier-1 Countries like USA/UK etc.

Account is very active itself with each post performing well gaining a minimum of 100k reach! This month alone, despite of very little posting, it has gained around 1m impressions just from previous posts! Account is 100% Safe and Secured and Comes with Original Email! :slight_smile:



handle & price


is the Twitter account still on sale?

Can you share the account handle please?

Looking forward to your reply!


handle pls

Username here?


username with price plz


Price & Handel Please

Price and handle please

DM me price and handle

price and handle please

dm info please