Amount of subscribers: 51.500
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: TikTok Shorts
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic
This YouTube channel grew incredibly fast and in the process built up an engaging audience. It currently has over 88 million lifetime views.
Although this channel hasn’t posted in 2 months (due to lack of time) and doesn’t get a lot of real-time views, it still gets at least ~6000 likes on every community tab that is posted. This engagement can be redirected to another channel, video, website or e-commerce store. It’s basically a great and free way to drive traffic to a destination of your choice. A strong community tab performance is one of the best ways to promote new channels and videos on YouTube.
The channel is eligible for monetization but you would need to start posting your own content on it before being accepted for monetization.
The preferred payment method for this sale is bank transfer.