530K Youtube channel for sale

Amount of subscribers: 530000
Country of subscribers (majority): India
Topic/Niche: Facts and education
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic


This YouTube channel has a massive subscriber base of 530K and is currently non monetized . It can be rebranded and reverified under the best name you want.

Upon request from the client, the account can be rebranded, reverified, and customized for any other niche. Additionally, there are currently no active warnings or strikes associated with the channel.

This channel is an excellent starting point for a new project. You can keep old videos private and start uploading your own content with a new verified name that aligns with your chosen niche. Furthermore, the channel’s location/country can be changed.

Payment for this channel can be made in a variety of cryptocurrencies, including BTC, USDT, CRYPTOS, BUSD, USDC, ETH .

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