550K Facebook Humor Page

Property type: Facebook Page
Amount of fans/followers: 557,843 Likes, 529,481 Followers
Country of followers: USA - 69%, CAN - 8%, UK - 6%
Topic/Niche: Humor
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic
Price: $40,000 OBO

Description: Looking for someone to take over this great page. It’s a humor page. Funny pictures and memes do well. Some posts can reach half a million people. There is one in the picture that reached 653,700. Approved for branded content. Don’t have to time to work on it anymore so I am selling to put the money towards our other business.

– One of the posts reached over 650,000 people. Click the image to expand.

– The links can reach a lot of people. One in the picture below had over 6000 clicks.

Send me url

URL please, and what is OBO?

OBO = Or Best Offer

Thanks I saw $ 40k so I though OBO is some kind of exotic currency. :slight_smile:

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url please

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